Friday, October 31, 2008

Burgers :: take one

[week of 10/26/08]

[okay, really it is not take one, given that, since we moved to Maine, I've been occasionally buying burger meat and experimenting with burgers. But it is take one with this project...,]

Pulled a package out of the deep freeze on a Monday, to thaw for Tuesday.

Did these in the most simple way: on the grill, with just a bit of salt and pepper mixed in to the meat.

Made burgers twice during the week, Tuesday and Thursday. So, this one package actually yielded two meals.

Each time, Ray and I each had one burger, with cheese.

Both times, I think we had some sort of veggie sides, fries in one case, carrot salad the other time.

Questions now are: how much did that package weigh, and therefore how much was each burger? are we talking about a standard quarter-pounder or not?

also, larger question: how long to cook, to get it "just right" for each of us, meaning rarer for Ray, and a little more medium for C. This is what we'll be working on figuring out, as we return to burgers again and again.

Finally, what to put in the meat, if anything, to "spice it up." If you read around, there are so many fancy, funky ways to do burgers. Some definitely worth exploring, some, not so much...

1 comment:

qcanoe said...

Clarissa wrote:

Questions now are: how much did that package weigh, and therefore how much was each burger? are we talking about a standard quarter-pounder or not?

Um, do you not own a kitchen scale? Hard to believe you don't, but IF you don't, you should get one. I use ours all the time. Example (beyond weighing burgers): I use it every time I cook pasta to make sure I really know how much I'm cooking. It's also excellent for weighing bike components to see if that extra ten bucks you paid for a lightweight thingamajig really bought you anything.